my new score

I just recieved my new mask in trhe mail today. This is the Samhain mask from I love it!!! it has a nice H2 look. and it was only 75 bucks
it fits my head nicley. I had finished as pale white unpainted eyebrows light brown hair and weather/worn look. This is my first non Don Post mask or Halloween store Bought mask


Good stuff. Congrats on your first indy Myers mask! I bet it won’ be the last! :laughing:

Congrats man :sunglasses:
Some old school goodness!!
Enjoy :slight_smile:


nice pik up man!!!

Congrats on the score!

Congrats buddy! :rock:
Welcome to the club! Nothing like an indie mask huh? :slight_smile:

Great score man, Congrats.

thanks for the comments