Hey all,
Here is my attempt at a part 6 costume. TOTS mask and grey dickies coveralls. My first time trying to do a Myers costume. I’ve done plenty of Jason’s in the past.
Hey all,
Here is my attempt at a part 6 costume. TOTS mask and grey dickies coveralls. My first time trying to do a Myers costume. I’ve done plenty of Jason’s in the past.
Not bad at all for a first time, looks good!
Thanks man. I appreciate it.
Looks great to me. Coveralls came out well.
Nice! You’d look amazing as an RZ Myers, you’ve got the perfect build for it!
Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words.
dude you look hugh! Damn Scary
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That’s pretty good!
Thats pretty nice Jim! I always liked the parts H4 H6 coveralls. They have a unique look.
Thats pretty nice Jim! I always liked the parts H4 H6 coveralls. They have a unique look.
Thanks guys. I’ve always liked part 6; seems like the mask has an aggressive look to it. But also love the completely expressionless H4 look too.
Nice man, pretty intimidating and accurate Part 6 Myers. Love the mask and the weathering on the coveralls just ties the whole thing together even more.
Thanks man. I was surprised by how much I liked the TOTS mask when I got it in the mail. The H6 really seems to be the best one they do. I have a H4 on pre-order and hope it is big enough to fit my fat head cause this one fits perfectly.
I was thinking about getting one of their Part 6’s, and as for the Part 4, I am still undecided on that. Your copy looks pretty good though to be honest.
Looking good man! Definitely a nice copy of the TOTS H6 and you have the perfect frame to pull off that H6 look. The coverall color is on point and they fit you well
Thanks man. At some point I will invest in a nice H6 mask. But for now the TOTS will do. Most of my funds go to Jason hocks.
I hear that man. Truthfully the TOTS H6 looks better than many indy masks on the market and you have an amazing copy. Definitely can pull off an awesome H6 look with this mask!