My perfect Psycho

Hey fellas

I just want to show you my new score from oversea. :smiley:

Thanks to Justin and JC for their breathtaking talented work.
Thank you Scott to get the chance to own such a unique beauty.

I did a short photo shoot and here is my favorite pic.
More to come after some days - I got a lot of work this week
so I’m going to do some more pics this weekend. Can’t wait! :sunglasses:

Thanks again Scott - it’s marvelous.

Best regards

Awesome shot man! You look great

That looks great man! We need MORE shots!!!

killer shots! congrats on the score :rock:


Great shot! It looks like you’re standing on a film set! :rock:


definitely one of the best costume shots i think i’ve seen on here :slight_smile: great job and congratulations. great work Nightowl and JC!

Awsome shot, and great mask… Dean

Psycho Goodness :smiley:

Amazing shot!

That’s awesome man! A fantastic copy of the Psycho. I was lucky enough to see it before he sold it. The paint and hair were perfect on that thing. Congrats man! I almost picked it up but I didn’t have the funds at the time.

Great shot…love that Psycho!!

Very cool shot man!

Nice shot!

Nice looking mask. :smiley:

You should post more shots of it.

Thanks a lot to all of you guys and thank you for your kind words.
For sure I will post some more photographs. I’ll update this thread
with new pics next weekend. With some more creepy shots and
some closeups too.

By the way - it is just my basement - nice atmosphere there. :axe:

Greetings from Germany

ja, diese keller sind schon ein geeignetes umfeld für solche fotos… (diese mit holzlatten getrennten abteile kenne ich auch sehr genau…)

tolles bild, schöne maske :wink:

(it is a positive comment in german language)

That Psycho is amazing!! :open_mouth:

Man awesome mask and shot like it :sunglasses: