My personal work



Good job man! Brought out the details well and I like the cleaner look of this copy

Nice work!

Looks fantastic!!

Thank you very much!!, I myself like the cleaner white look, Michael Myers will always have a white mask in my eyes!!

Looks really good! :myers:

Wow! Honestly it’s everything I personally look for in a H40 repaint; not too dirty, maintaining a white look, with realistic weathering! Stellar job man! Do you do rehauls for other people? If so, when I get my hands on a H40 I might send it to ya!

Yes I am doing rehaul service,I have an Instagram, it’s
frost_fx If you don’t have Instagram just message me here, thank you!!!

I just got my 2018, I might consider having you make it 10x better when I get the money (still a little poor of money atm)

Rehauls from me are 100$ or I proved the mask and rehaul it for $175 thank you everyone

Looks great

Thank you very much, I appreciate it!!

Thank you, and yes I am doing rehauls :+1:t3:

Thank you!!! Much appreciated

Thank you!!!