Buy them for his own kids? He owns replicas! I know for a fact that he has a Psycho, a Maniac and a number of SSN masks, hell he started Halloween Flash .com, than sold it and is now harassing the guy he sold it too to stop posting unlicensed stuff. Brian is the biggest hypocrite on earth, he’s a Halloween fan boy who got a job at Trancas, thanks to Sean (whom he screwed over), he’s a total tool!
Chris is bang on.
This douche owns almost EVERY replica on the market. He has all of the SSN masks, proudly displayed in his home, and hell, he was even selling the bootlegged versions of all the Halloween DVD’s LOL! He’s a piece of shit tied with a ribbon to APPEAR to be “doing the right thing” but he’s the biggest loser in the world of Halloween as a brand to this very day.
thats just crazy nuts, but i believe every bit of it too chris and fknshow, i know that chris always helps me out when i can so i will take your word for that, ive heard it before, and fknshow, i have read a lot of your posts, your very aggressive and to the point, i like that, GET EM!!!
LOL ! Thanks buddy. I just like to get right to the point, I guess it’s my MMA backround that gives me the aggression LOL!
no problem, i see it how it is too, people hate that, i havent disagreed with you yet, this bryan guy reminds me of all the nerds in school that would talk all the crap and then tell the teacher that you were picking on him so you would get into trouble even though you might really wanna crush thier face!
In Movieman’s email you can tell he tucked his tail and tried to inch out of it LOL. His behavior sounds like one big Middle Finger to the fans Smart way to do business. Shows how he managed to get his “company” to be so “successful”.