My reworked 05 Psycho.................

That’s one mad lookin Psycho. :rock:

Has anyone seen my jaw? I lost it when it dropped on the floor. Very nice work James!

awesome job JC :rock:

THAT ACTUALLY MADE ME LAUGH :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That looks beautiful James!! The hair gives it a unique look that stands out in a great way!

wow just amazing :open_mouth:
wish I could something like that for my 05 as well

Damn James that looks awsome… Dean

ok ive got to ask. katie why do you call JC Jim? your the only person ive ever seen call him Jim.
JC is your name james or jim?
on topic nice psycho.

lol i think because most people named james are also called jim , my dads name is james and he is called jim.

Beautiful James! Your work is nothing short of stunning!

Exactly :wink:

Thanks guys for the comments! Several people have contacted me wanting this hair on their mask that I already have for converting. I can TRY to get this color scheme to work out again but I don’t have anymore right now. I will see what I can do after work. Thanks again fellows.


Sorry, Shane, I didn’t see your question until just now. I just call James “Jim” as a nickname. He said people don’t call him that but that I could, and he calls me Kate in return. :sunglasses: :smiley: It’s just for fun because he’s my buddy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait a minute here… sometimes I call you “Katie-Kate” if I’m having a real good day and things are going my way, remember? :stuck_out_tongue: Yep you guys, Kate is my homegirl and she can call me anything she so desires… except my middle name of course, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :laughing: :wink:



UR NUTS J :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: THAT HAIR BETTER BE ON MY RETOOL :smiling_imp:

We shall see what happens Jimmy! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

MASK4ME… nope, I actually meant to hit “R” and I now see I hit “E”… JRC :wink:

Even I don’t know your middle name…Roland? Rutherford? R2-D2? :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: And yes, I always answer to “Katie-Kate” when Jiminy calls me that. :smiley:

Looks like you need to stock up on some hair! Supply and demand…supply and demand. You supply it; they demand it! :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sweet job JC… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Thanks C man! :rock: