My RZ H2 mask-pics

I was just wondering when you were going to do one of these, it looks identical!

I’ve been waiting to see this version! Very cool, great work.
Will you offer a version painted like the mask on the Revolver cover?

Also, could there be a “half-face” version as well?

Badass mask right there Addison.

im not a fan of Rob Zombies Halloween but thats one nice mask!

gotta love it :axe:

Awesome, man!! Awesome!! That’s all I can say! WOW! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

How much will these H2’s be Addison?

That looks great…I love the way the scars protrude which is what you want them to do on an H2 mask…Nice job

very interesting! I can dig!

pretty cool …i don’t think he looks mean enough,kind has a funny looking expression

A thing of beauty. I WANT ONE! :rock: :drinkers:

the mask isnt supposed to have an expression.

I love your finishing work, it looks very authentic.

I just purchased this prototype off somebody on ebay it is friggin awsome, and only cost me £118.

The detail is amazing, i was realy concerned as this is my first purchas of a custom mask. I only had shop bought ones upto now but im totaly gob-smacked at how accurate this is.

This is the pride and joy of my collection, the only pisser is that it’s a gift for xmass from my wife and has been taken away untill then Arggghhhhh.