Here’s a list of ToTs masks I’ve come up with for anyone interested, it’s all masks from them involving Michael so it’ll be a lot of masks to get. I am aware that their masks aren’t the best out there but since my first mask was a ToTs mask and the fact that I can get them rehauled to look very accurate made me think of this list. Here’s my list
-1 ToTs H1
-Another smaller ToTs H2 Deluxe to be rehauled into an H1. My old ToTs H2 Deluxe will be rehauled by someone more skilled to look more H2 like.
-3 ToTs Kirks, 1 to be rehauled by myself into an H1, 1 to be rehauled by myself into an H4, and the other left as a Kirk but rehaired and repainted to look more accurate.
-2 ToTs Tramers, 1 to be rehauled by myself into an H1, and 1 to be left normal.
-1 ToTs H5, most likely to be repainted and rehaired by someone else more skilled.
-1 ToTs H6, repainted by someone else more skilled if too much black is on the nose and mouth and if the mask is yellowish, hair will be restyled into spikey hair like the theatrical cut.
-1 ToTs H20 Winston mask, rehaired by someone more skilled.
-1 ToTs H20 KNB mask, left normal.
-1 ToTs Resurrection mask, rehaired and repainted by someone more skilled to look more like a cinema secrets mask.
-All 3 ToTs H3 masks, left normal
-1 ToTs H40 Bloody edition, repainted and rehaired by someone else more skilled.
-1 ToTs Hospital Mask, rehaired and rehauled by someone more skilled.
-2 ToTs Elrod Masks, 1 rehauled into an H2, and the other rehauled into an H1.
-ToTs H4 clown mask.
-ToTs H1 clown mask.
-ToTs H5 Brute mask.
It’ll take some work to get them all (and quite a few rehauled) but hopefully it’ll be a nice collection.
I already own 3 ToTs masks atm which you can see in my signature (one is on the way at the time of writing this)
Thanks for reading, Reply your thoughts, as it would be interesting to read what others think and what masks you plan on getting in the future