My trip to the Holy Land *Pic Heavy*

Appreciate it guys, thanks again. It’s really is hard to take a bad shot in this town…it really is just one corner to the next with places they used for Halloween scenes.

I haven’t made the journey yet so these pics are the next best thing, thanks for sharing them they are excellent!

The urinal made me laugh too! :laughing:

All I could think of was what my reaction would be if I saw some dude taking pics of the urnial at my local watering hole. I guess I’d think something like “he must be awful PROUD of whatever he did in that urinal…I’m not getting close enough to find out WHAT it was!!!” :open_mouth:


Great photos. Always love to see them.

You lucky sob. I wish I could go and take some great pictures like these. They look awesome. I bet it was a lot of fun.