My "Ultimate" H6, H7, H8

Well here are my personal ultimate H6’s, H7’s and H8’s. They may not be the best replica of each one made, but in my heart, they are AMAZING.
They are all Signature Series Mask, well 2 of them are anyway. The H6, and H20 are SSN masks and the H8 was hand signed by Brad Loree.
I love these masks and plan to never part with them. I hope you enjoy ! :smiley:

Thanks for looking ! :slight_smile:

Fantastic pieces!!

That H20 is sick man.Love them all bro.,

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Sic masks bro, If you ever decide to part w/ one pm me

Love all 3. and I never really liked the H8, but that one’s a real eye catcher

Great masks!!


Sweet score bro love the h6 definitly a kepper!!! :smiley:


All three look great!!! :rock:

those are all high end pieces in my eyes brother. i would show them with pride. nice line up.


Gorgeous line up, especially that H20.

Great stuff. The H20 is sick :drinkers:

Its your old H20 :laughing:

Apparently it is the one in the “Chat” button.

Very nice man, :drinkers:

nice pieces man, they look amazing! :open_mouth:

All 3 very nice… :open_mouth: :drinkers: