First off a big thanks to juicemaster (Hugo) for sellin’ me this mask To me, it’s like a perfect blend of the H78 and the Mint '75. Great job Nik and Mike!!!
Couple of more…
Jay Muzz
(I still have to style the hair)
Ahh very very nice Mr. Muzz! That sucker looks like it fits you perfect! Congrats bud!
OMG why didn’t I buy this mask!!! I passed up this mask because I was committed to a deal that, well… Didn’t happen. I knew I should have picked up this thing!
Oh by the way, sweet score bro!
Thank’s Brent and Deathclutch! Yeah it fits tight like a Mint '75
looks great and wear it well j
Awesome! Jay, you’re gonna have to give me a few of those masks you’ve got one of these days! Sweet Score!
BTW, I’ve got a classic '78 (or shuold I say '81) coming that’ll blow your mind!! Just wait and see!
Thank’s Janrus and Justin! Lookin’ forward to you mask pics Justin I’m sure this would make a killer H2 mask as well (just like the mints)
Jay Muzz
whats the size on the mask? 23"?
Jay!!! OMG that mask looks great on you man, I’m not kidding bro. It’s now obvious that this NAG/ AHGClassic 78 was never meant for me, it was meant for you man. More pics bro, more pics please!!! WOW!!! And this is a special mask guys. It’s the first Classic 78 Mike converted.
Thank’s Brent and Deathclutch! Yeah it fits tight like a Mint '75 >
It doesnt look like its that tight at all. It looks good!
that mask is awesome! great score and great photos! you make a GREAT shape!
Thank’s Hugo and jf5550!!!
Muzz that is a nice mask dude. Congrats on your new score.
Jay, picture #3 (first set) freakin’ rules man!
Nik and Mike smoked this one bro!!
Congrats and sweet shots!
Thank you Matt and J I appreciate it! And yeah J that’s my fave shot too man
My fav pic is 2nd set, 2nd pic That is a beast!!! Beast I tell ya!!!
Yeah Hugo he just look’s extra mean in that one don’t he? Man it look’s almost different in each pic depending on how the lighting is Oh and no worries bud more pics will follow soon! I’ll be taking some outdoor ones with this before Halloween also
dang the 3rd pic owns Jay! sweet mask