NAG Flashback mask recieved

Here is some worn shots as requested guys, i love it especially side profile is insane. Even though i have not purchased it to be worn just display


Looks really great man. Congrats!

Thanks man have you seen the spookhouse FB mask worn curious to see what it looks like​:slightly_smiling_face::grinning:

Super dope!

I’m just waiting for mine, he said I was the 41th flashback mask and it’s almost been a month. Hopefully I won’t have to wait the full 6 months but I will be comparing it to my flashback S75c. I hate how much I spent on NAG’s mask

Thanks man, Whats the best NAG in your opinion?:thinking:

Thanks man :grinning:

Ooo that’s hard. I don’t know a lot of his masks but I’d say the flashback, cover and that castle stretch one

Congrats on the score!

Thanks man :grin:

Looks really nice. Perhaps it was just the lighting before, because in these the shading doesn’t seem as harsh. Congrats man.

Any suggestions on impressive H2 mask? :slightly_smiling_face:

U make me spending 400$ soon :unamused:

Have you seen the spookhouse props version of the flashback mask? :grin:

I saw it and I like it, but I think the Nag is more accurate :slight_smile: you want to get that one too? :smiley:

Maybe or considering ordering a NAG 75k SE after Christmas

Awesome worns man.

NAG Shape 81 is really accurate.

Definitely an H2SM by Rowland Kelly.

Yeah this is spot on for sure, great mask!