NAG/JC H78 Myers....Pics

Great pictures man, and I’ve GOT to love the shirt… Very tasty beer!



The mask looks awesome JC did a fantastic job on that beauty!!!

great mask and you wear it well :drinkers:

That one gave me chills when I finished it! The eyecuts turned out perfect IMO and it just seemed to have the “Annie car scene kill” look going on! I am beginning to cut more eyes like this now.

Thanks all for the comments, much appreciated guys :wink:


Looks nice man, standout copy for sure.

That’s awesome.One never gets tired of looking at an H78.

:astonished: nice, is it the NAG78 mad man or halloween :slight_smile:?

great work jc and sweet mask vioer ur head fits it nicely

Love the 5th pic down man has a great phone scene look to me and great work again James

Congrats man


Thanks brothas!

Thanks but I think I am officially tired at looking at H78s :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Just kidding but I do see H78s when I close my eyes at night! I tthink I have converted about 13-15 H78s since mid Sept or something like that and still have quite a few on this order to do now. I dearly love converting Kirks and I must say that while the Mint 75 is my favorite Myers sculpt, the H78 is a close 2nd or 3rd. :wink: You sure can’t go wrong with a good H78 done up right!


Love this!