NAG/SB 98 Proto Costume Shots

Here are some Promised Costume Shots…

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One creepy SOB right there! Nice mask and nice coveralls sir

Love the shot with the blue background, and the shot of you looking in the window :slight_smile:

thx loomis! this my first attempt with a good mask! its a try and error to take good shots alone loool

Gesendet von meinem SM-A310F mit Tapatalk

Are those Reed Charcoal coveralls? Loving the pictures.

Yes pal! Converted Reeds to Hero :wink: !

Gesendet von meinem SM-A310F mit Tapatalk

Awesome mask man! If you can get a tripod it’ll make selfie shots a breeze but some of those photos are killer. The mask fits you well!

They look great. I’ve been thinking of getting a spruce pair since they have my size on eBay for short $. These might have just convinced me.


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