neck slit

hey gang just wondering when i cut a slit on the back of a mask how do i get the circle thing at the top to keep it from ripping up more?

hole punch.

that really works ?

o.Yup , or some people use a leather punch to.

Yep, a leather hole punch is the best way to do it.

well ive cut it up higher but havent added the circle will it be alrite ?

it will eventually rip up higher unless the circle is added

Actually gang. . . according to a few incredibly seasoned artists. . . there is no reason for the hole punch. . . . its just something that was started on a few masks. . .

i never use em and the latex stretches fine over my big noggin :slight_smile:

lol more pieces of the puzzle eh?! to punch or not to punch. . .

Actually alex , i have experienced this on a few occasions…the hole does prevent tearing …if you dont it will rip

well im not puting it on again till i get something to punch the hold in cus a hole punch dont work and i dont want it ripping any more i jsut had to slit it a lil higher for a better fit

Yeah just get a leather punch kmart should sell them

yeah leather punch
or a dremel

I dont see how a hole punch can even work prob cant even punch a hold in a piece of cardboard with them crappy things

ok the leather punch isnt working either

hmmm. . .maybe its dependent on the quality of latex. . .

Yeah thats odd

i finally got it half way out and the other half of the circle i just cut out with a sergical blade

I just cut the circle myself with scissors. :laughing:
Worked just fine for me. just draw the circle on and follow the line.