This can be moved if needed - I just need maximum exposure for now:
I have a report on Symbolic Interactionism due on the 26th of this month. I was given my choice of any topic & I’ve chosen the 75 Kirk into Myers, as it is not common knowledge where I live.
If someone could PLEASE help me in the direction of a video along the lines of what I have in my head I would be most grateful :
I’d like it to start w/ a good Kirk mask sorta watermarked (but clearly visible) into the opening of the original Star Trek episodes (you know, “Space, the final frontier…” etc.) & let the mask remain the same until around the middle of the Star Trek theme. That’s when I’d like the music to sound like a power-down or record being bumped (whichever works best,) then have the video morph into the scene from JC’s 1978 “Halloween” where Laurie is instructing Lindsey & Tommy to go to the McKenzie’s to call the police. I’d also like the mask to start morphing…first the sideburns & eyebrows, then eyecuts, etc. up to the point when Michael is wrestling with Laurie right before she takes his mask off. By that point I’d like the mask to be either The Hero or a great replica that fits along w/ the 75 Kirk that it once was.
If I could edit video & audio I would - but I am of no use in this department. Any assistance from some of you great video/audio editors out there would be most appreciated.
Thank you for reading