Anybody know how i can get ahold of rick ramby? I wanted to get one of his DIY masks as a blank, i tried on Instagram @rramby7 but i couldn’t find him, thanks
Thanks man
Hehe… I’ve had the same question for about 6 months now… no luck on Facebook either.
Oh wonderful …so he never got back to you i assume
I messeged him on facebook on messenger and it says that it was “READ” but he didn’t respond, i guess he’s just ignoring people for whatever reason , ahwell, guess he doesn’t wanna make money.
weird cause he replied me the same day about one year ago when I was a total newbie and didn’t buy anything, we had a pretty long chat and helped me a bit going through this world of indie artists, he’s a good guy for what I remember
Yea like i said i messaged him and it says it was read but no response.
I’d be more than happy to still do you that DRM 78 blank if you wanted
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No luck for me as well. I’ve messaged him on FB messenger and even tagged him on one of his posts to DM me pricing on his DIY masks…nothing.
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Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
You wouldn’t happen to have a pic of one done up H1 style would you