NEED HELP: Looking For Rob Zombie Style Coveralls URGENT!

hey guys the title says it i got stiffed by someone who was making me my RZ style coveralls so i need to get some would really like to get as close to screen acurate as possible … also i met Ken Foree at a convention today and i had him sign a picture of him as joe grizzly and he wrote on the picture “Im Joe Grizzly Bitch!” LOL … please any help with the coveralls would be great i would like to buy them weathered but if i had to do it myself i would thanks

PM Crackbaby.

He does a great job on RZ coveralls!

ya crackbaby is ur guy great price too

i cant help you with the coveralls…but about the autograph,awesome! im not really into ag’s but thats one i would love to have. :slight_smile:

this should have been posted in the classified forum


Yeah Crackbaby or Scorch…Cant go wrong with either one

What does Crackbaby sell them for? any picture examples?

I like Scorch’s a lot, here’s an example of his.