Need Help

Ok so I’m looking for a new mask and I saw this mask on Ebay for $170 the guy re-listed it because it didnt sell for $200 so he lowered the price…

So I want your opinions is it worth me paying $170 for the Ebay mask…
The mask looks koo but I dont know it really isnt calling my name lol…

or should I just buy one from Crypt Co Studios?
theres 3 that I like the Warlock, Warlock SE and The 10/31
which ones better guys?

Oh and if any of you know what sizes do CCS Masks come in please let me know
cause I might end up getting a Warlock not to sure

thanks guys!

the cgp st nick is a really nice h1 mask for the price…but on the other hand its all about your personal liking

I received my Warlock today, and its the coolest thing i have ever seen, so i am saying go with the Warlock, i have never seen one NOT look awesome when worn!!!

thats a real hard decision 4 me if i was n ur postion. hmm…the warlock kicks ass. then the st. nick does. gonna pull my hair out lol, i dig both bro. :smiley:

I say no deal on that St. Nick. Reason being, that it is is not new as advertised (this person selling it bought it from CGP or even another member here before selling it, so it is not being purchased directly from the mask maker therefore it is not NEW), and secondly it isn’t as hard to find as the description would make you think. I think you can get a St. Nick that is just as nice as that one for less money. Good luck! :slight_smile:
