Snapped some shots tonight, check them out!
Wonderful wonderful pictures Mike! I can tell you’re in love with this thing, for sure.
Thats just an awesome mask.It has such a mean look to it.
Great pictures Michael. That is a great lookin Psycho.
the buthcher rules.great pics…tommy
Nice Mike!
Nice pics Michael!
Thanks guys!!! And, yes Matt, I am totally in love with this mask!!!
Those are all great shots Mike and that copy really is amazing.
Thanks, Chris did a truly amazing job on it!!
Loving these shots! Butcher just looks evil in every way
Damn Mike those are some wicked pic’s… Dean
Thanks guys!!!
amazing pics man, the butcher is creepy!
Some gothic lookin pics Michael
Lookin good!
Thanks everyone!!
Great shots Michael. That mask is brutal!
That is the Best Butcher hands down. Great pics Michael!!