new crypt co mask

on crypt cos website there is a mask on thier website that ive never saw before called afflicted just telling you guys didnt know if anyone knew.

Yeah i noticed this last night too. Was going to make a topic about it, but figured it would probably get ugly real quick since the whole cgp/terry mess and people blaming cryptco for being involved.

back on topic, that mask looks like a H2 style to me. I actually like it for whatever reason.

looks cool

but still not a 100% shure I would order from them
still think they need to get on and clear up this Terry shit

yes it is very warlock looking. I like it as well. looks very good!

Hey read the thread that Gozombie posted. Cryptco has already cleared this shit.


ya i have seen this before…thats juss the warlock with different eye cuts and paint up…i guess they gave it a name now
marcus :mrgreen:

ok cool deal
thats all I wanted :smiley:
back to topic

It’s just a Warlock with altered eyecuts! Wow, who do they really think they’re fooling?

yea spaz, trust me, Joe and Dusty are awesome guys, i ordered a gpw h4 like 2 or a little more weeks ago and they already shipped it yesterday, i definitly say they are fine to deal with.


What’s your problem? Look at it, it’s obviously just Warlock with altered eye cuts. Anyone on here with eyes should be able to tell.

That’s my point. I don’t think they’re trying to fool anyone. :wink:

Then what’s the point of it? That’s like Tommy painting one of his masks different and slightly altering the eye cuts and selling it as a totally different mask when it’s not. It’s nothing significantly new.

Dont they already have a W2 out.I thought that was their warlock with different eyecuts.Now another warlock(afflicted) thats BS.That has Terry all over it…Like I said I have no proof at all, so Im speculating but,the site itself is just like CGP…If you were hoping to regain bussiness you would have to have quick turnarounds on your mask.Its just fishy to me…

I agree Matt, just seems a bit ridiculous. I mean most Myers fans will smell that out from the word go right? I don’t want one anyhow, but You’re right Matt.

On & on & on & on…

:rolleyes: :laughing:

i seen it 5 days go and thought k…another warlock. WoW!! but i will admit i do want they’re w/se!! :rock: but don’t know if i can trust them. 275 down the drain feels like a million 2 me!!