New H40 Bust

Just put together an H40 bust, pretty happy with the way it came out. I want to try and paint the one eye to look like the dead eye that JJC had in the movie.

Where did you get the bust?

I made it myself. I got the mannequin bust on amazon and put coveralls and my H40 mask on it.

I’d tuck the bottom and staple it for a cleaner look

I think its pretty cool. But its hard to tell because I have to lay down on my side to see the pics. :neutral_face:

Yes thank you for the feed back I ended up stapling it looks much better. As far as the one eye what is everyone’s opinion on how I can make it look like the dead eye from the movie.

Looks good.

ToTs is selling a latex applicance of the dead eye. It should go really well on it if the eye isn’t too big.