New H6 Score

Came home from work today and found this waiting for me. My new H6 mask from Chris “Hollywood Morgan” This mask is sick. Chris weathered it just the way I wanted it. Fits me perfect. Chris is great guy to deal with and has excellent communication with super fast shipping. I’ll be wearing it this weekend at a Haunt I’m working at :axe: . I’ll be sure to get lots of costume shots this weekend. Thanks again Chris!

Nice score :slight_smile:

I still need to buy one of these, where’d you get it again?? :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

I’m glad you like it and it looks great!! Love the pix too, there are no bad angles on that mask! I know you said costume shots this weekend…but can we get’em sooner? LOL :smiling_imp:

Looks amazing… ill never forget the way the H6 mask made me feel when i first saw it so long ago… really like it best of all the mask sculpts.


Thanks gozombie, coldarmy13 & Chris…The pics are a little dark since I was using my cell phone camera. I’ll get some costume shots tomorrow with my better camera. Thanks again Chris, the paint and hair are awsome :stuck_out_tongue:

KILLER MASK,Im really diggin this,If SSN doesnt rerelease “the Curse” then im gettin one of these bad boys

i will wait for your order then :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Here you go Chris…A quick costume shot. More to come this weekend :smiling_imp:

you wear him well Frank! I think he was MADE for you man!

your pic is now my avatar…love it, love it :slight_smile:

WOW!!! That mask is unreal!!! You;ve got a gem of a mask there.

Greta work Chris!!!

Thats great Chris. I seen the avatar and thought wait I didnt change my pic. Than I noticed it was you haha :laughing: . Honestly out of all my mask this one fits me the best. Not to tight and not to lose.

yours is NEXT sir :slight_smile:

Great score!