New JC 75K Castle Shots...

From earlier tonight. Castle stretch 101 :pumpkin: :myers: :smiley:
(check that bug flying by my head in the first pic :laughing: )

Good stuff! I love the grey look of that mask. :rock:

Thanks! It’s just the late day lighting. It’s very much white with end of movie type weathering

That backdrop setting you found sure makes Myers masks pop. Not that they don’t look good already but the lighting just sends them over the top in every way. Catches all the right shadows.

Perfecto, Jay!

Outstanding shots, brother Muzz!!!

Looking good! Not only do you nail Castle stretch, but I really like the way you styled the hair in these shots. That’s pure H1 goodness right there :wink:

Those pics are insane!! You take some of the best costume shots in the hobby! Great work as always, my friend.

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Excellent pics as always mate! Thought that bug was a bird in the distance at first glance :laughing:

Thanks as always bros :rock: :drinkers:

The funny thing about this is that I dropped the mask on my laundry room floor on the way out of the house and this extra messy hair was the result :laughing:
Thanks man!

Awesome shots of an awesome mask. You’re making me wish I had a decent camera so I could suit up with the old 75K & at least attempt to get some shots as beautiful as those. Seriously, the sky in these pics is amazing as well - really compliments the whole costume!

Thank you brother! :rock:

Good job buddy! :rock:

Thank you James! That’s all your work that makes that mask pop my friend :drinkers:


Thanks! :smiley:

Always love your shots man! Finally got in contact with JC, and will be sending my Castle 75K SE, and hopefuly and H2 from Nik when my times comes. Thre really is no other way IMO. Love the stretches you going going on too in this shots!

:drinkers: :myers:

So amazing

That’s great news man he will kill it for ya :drinkers: :myers:


I believe that would be considered a happy accident. :smiley: