New KH SLE Costume shots. New pics on page 4.

Now that’s the good stuff right there! :smiley:
Always dig your costume shots D-Man! Especialy the outdoor shots. :rock:

amazing mask!and those shots are incredible!!!amazing!

I second that. :wink:

I am LOVING these new costume shots Donnie! Fantastic pics bro and that mask fits you like it was custom made.

The mask and your lady are both KEEPERS!!

I love this shot!

i swear this is the 1st time i have seen kh worn shots! they look like some sort of behind the scenes shots of the actual mask :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Thanks a ton everyone, we both really appreciate all the great comments. She really does have an eye for great shots and she actually ENJOYS taking costume pics. I’m a lucky man. :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Great pics.

great shots donnie :mrgreen: great work my friend :smiley:

Lovely shots Sir Donald!

Thank you, Kirk, Craig & Colonel Colin. :sunglasses:


Fantastic shots D-Man!
They really give off a ‘behind the scenes’ H2 vibe. :sunglasses:


Awesome Donnie!!! just Awesome!!! Looks like screen caps!!!

:open_mouth: amazing pictures and mask!

Nice Donnie :smiley: Top notch pics there for sure!

Looks like you had fun and took some nice costume shots. Kudos on some sweet pics there. :sunglasses: :smiley:

ABSOLUTELY fantastic shots!!! :open_mouth:

Really diggin those shots Donnie, great job!

Thanks a ton everyone, we had a blast taking the pics.

I may add a few more later on. :sunglasses: