I got this new gadget from 5 Below today, it’s very useful in lighting and should make my pics look very good. I was also wondering how good my Castle like build is, and I’m also wondering how loose I should have my mask. Nick wore the mask pretty loosely but I’m not sure if I look better when it’s not as loose and tucked back in the neck. Your thoughts and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
Great shots man! Here’s a couple shots of Nick Castle wearing the hero in H1, maybe they can give you some guidance on the neck. From what I understand, the mask was pretty small, which is why the mask stretched the way it did on Castle, and even in H2 on Dick Warlock.
Thank you! Due to my small head (that maybe hasn’t grown in size fully yet due to how young I am) I figured a smaller mask like an H2 Deluxe small or an H40 would give me more of a better fit but with a still loose neck to give a true castle look. Idk, I don’t have the money for a smaller mask atm but I do have the H40 that I’ll take pics with and add on here later. I noticed while not wearing coveralls that the neck of the H40 and looseness of it looked very similar to those pics you showed, but still way bigger than my neck.
How old are you man? And the lighting on these photos is pretty awesome! I love the Lunatic sculpt from which the TOTS H2 was born and these photos definitely capture that original essence. Especially love your take on the H4 Cover shot. Badass!
That’s what I do when I want my mask to look like it fits me better, I especially do it with the ToTs H40 since it looks perfect when I do that, I tried doing the same with my ToTs H2 and I need stuffing if I want the same affect that I get with the H40. Sadly my jaw hurts when I do this though
Wow, I’ve seen these shots before, but I never noticed his hair sticking out! I have to add that the shot of him bending over choking Linda always made me think of Frankenstein…weird I know, but just something about the way the mask looks at that angle.