You know it’s a good day when you receive a package with a little pumpkin sketch on it. HMan Bad Boy permatecs from Nick at Handiboy. This such a nice mask, great sculpt, thin pull, and I actually really like the brown camel hair. This completes my Handiboy Collection (for now )
Looks good man. How does the permatecs feel in comparison to latex flexibility wise?
My HMan actually feels just like latex…it’s soft and flexible. I think it’s because it’s a thin pull. My DR is permatecs as well but it’s a thicker pull and more stiff.
Congratulations, that’s a nice collection!
Love the HMan! all of them are fantastic!
Thank you! Easily my favorite masks in my collection.
The HMan is such a great sculpt. It reminds me of so many scenes from the movie. Especially the closet scene.
I should really get in line for one of these soonish.
Looks good man, congrats!
I highly recommend both the Dead Ringer and HMan. They are unbelievable!
Thanks man!
Looking good! Like the finish on this guy
Very nice, congrats! Always liked Nick’s pieces. By the way, is that a Dead Ringer H2? If so, very nice as well!
Thanks. It’s actually a HMan H2
For being a bad boy version…the finish looks extremely close to his regular masks.
Gotcha, either way still a nice H2!