New Pic of hooded Michael w/mask

A new blog to from Rob clearing up the mask rumor. :smiley:

FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING SWEET! Man, Rob managed to make Michael look so freaking good in both of his films, I’ll give him that. Carhartt coveralls are the best thing to ever happen to Myers’s look.

Now make an actual ‘‘Halloween’’ film with your character Rob. Anyway, it looks like Michael raided Jason’s shack and stole his jacket.

hell fucking yeah :rock: :open_mouth:

I’m happy that rumor was finally cleared up…but, I think there’s still something Rob isn’t telling us. He claims that Michael wears the mask just as much as he has in any other ‘Halloween’ movie; well, wouldn’t that mean that Michael almost never takes off his mask, then? Tyler’s been photographed without the mask a little bit too much for that to be true. Cool as hell picture, though. :slight_smile:

I could deal with this much easier than “no mask.” I guess Rob’s going for a grim reaper look.

Damn, it looks like he’ll wear that mask until it simply falls off…

considering the lack of wet blood on that mask, ive come up with a theory.

I think rob has ignored a bit of continuity, wich doesnt completely bother me.

In the other pic of michael with the new mask, hes covered in blood, but in this pic you can clearly tell its long since dried up. The reason? The first pic was of that very night, the night he was shot, and this pic is from 2 years later, when he returns. I have a big feeling rob ignored the fact that he has a beard clearly showing through the mask and figured the fans wouldnt care anyway. I have a feeling theres likely a coronor van crash or something that makes his mask get even more messed up, resulting in the new look, and when he climbs from the wreck he goes to the hospital to get Laurie. For whatever reason he dissapears, and returns 2 years later. So I have a feeling this pic is of sometime later in the film, and the other 2 were from the beginning. Makes sence to me but its only a guess.

Star Wars reference?

“Help me Obi One Myers Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”

:wink: :laughing:

I still think there is going to be a completely new mask used.

They say there are three masks…

There are supposed to be 2 standard masks used, one at the start and then this, more rotten (half the damn face is missing!) version, two years later. Then mask number 3, which will be a new mask altogether.

I hope!

I think that’s creepy as hell. I’m diggin’ the hood with the mask.

Sweet! My drawing wasn’t too far off, haha.

Hip-Hop Myers. Boom ya!
It doesn’t look bad, i guess. Just so different from the other films. Oh well…I’ll still see it!

I am really diggin it. Also if you notice on his mask on the cheek there is another chunk missing from the mask I bet the mask starts deteriorating or something in that means over the movie.

has anyone in the LA or NY area seen the teaser yet? im fucking going nuts waiting for this thing :smiling_imp:

Oh great, ghetto Myers… :unamused:

Thank you Dren :unamused: .

I really like this look though… It’s very creepy.

Although the people in NY and LA aren’t doing their JOB!!! COME ON PEOPLE! Do the world a favor and stop hogging it!

Lose the jacket, loose the hood, get a new mask…until then…“Haha Halloween? mouth fart noise”

The picture of myers in the hoodie is not very original in terms of other villains in movies and even the jacket looks similar to the one jason wears in the F13 remake but it really isn’t that bad, I just hope the movie doesn’t focus too much time on seeing what Myers is doing in the woods and Myers better be eating some damn dogs and animals in this one like he use to in the originals, I just hope this film is a lot better than the first one but some of the ideas that RZ comes up with are really dumb and cliche such as the devil and angel idea… :open_mouth: :unamused: are you kidding me, so far I still plan to see it but I can’t wait for the teaser trailer to get a real sense of the feel of the film…or atleast a good trailer like the first one had


Damn ! He looks fucking awesome !