New SCORE and first collection vid!!!

My first collection vid and a new score I got here some days ago, Its the Warlock by Crypt co in the movie! Enjoy :slight_smile:

You know, The few times I have posted a video url, it seems that noone looks at it.

Very nice collection sir:) I especially like your warlock and F13 collection!

Great lookin collection you have there bro, gotta love The Warlock though. :rock:


hehe bad luck I guess :smiley: and thanks tho Warlock have always been my fav :slight_smile:

Thanks mate :smiley:

Iā€™ll do my best to keep collecting! and thanks bro :slight_smile: !

cool collection for only a year of collecting it took me 2 years to get as many masks that you have
and do you know what the size is on the ssn new blood mask because ive heard they were small?

Dudeā€¦solid collection manā€¦love the vid. Keep em coming :drinkers:

Nice collection man!

Not sure what the size is : s but its not a big mask for sure :slight_smile:

ty bro! I will try :slight_smile:

thx bro :slight_smile:

loving the Raining Red brother!!! you should shoot some video of you wearing it :slight_smile:

sweet collection bro, i cant wait to get my raining red maskā€¦

Thanks bro! I have to thanks u, snice u made it :smiley: Its still my favo mask!! :slight_smile: and yes I hope iā€™ll make a costume vid :smiley:

thx bro :smiley: I guess u do! its my fav mask aswell :slight_smile: