New score at 4 in the morning?? Pics added 4-12

I had ‘collegeville clown’ as a saved search on ebay and it popped up on my email this morning! I saw the price $5.99 and I snagged it while i could! :open_mouth:



Awsome pick up man!!! Congrats!!

Wow you snagged that at a great price. Congrats bro.

It was crazy! I had to go into work at 5am this morning. So I got up to drink my coffee and wake up. I checked the email and saw an email from ebay ‘saved search: collegeville clown’ and my heart skipped a beat. I have had it in my saved searches for about six months and never expected to get a hit. Then, I saw that price and I had to grab it! I’ve seen these sell for over $100 before and did not want to pay that much. I was ready to settle for a replica. Now, I scored the real deal and it feels sweet! Just think 30 years from now people are gonna be searching around for these like we are for the '75 kirks! LOL! :smiley:


lol i doubt it people HATE rz halloween…the original was a big hit when it first came out…i have heard more people that hate rzs than like

:open_mouth: that is amazing! that price just cannot be beat! :open_mouth:

Cool Dude Congrats Gr8 Score! :sunglasses:

WOWWW :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Here’s a couple of pics between my super duper triple deluxe Scarred and Nik’s SUH9

Very Nice!!! :rock:

Very nice man. Is it the pics or is the chin really short?

It was kind of smashed in the box, so the chin has folded under a bit. I’m afraid to try and pull on it because it is very thin and fragile! :smiley: