New Score from sandman78 :D

bought his Tommy6 off him the other day and just got it bout a half hour ago, all i gotta say is wow this mask is f’n awesome. the pic quality is crappy but trust me the pics dont do this thing justice, this is my first H6 mask ive owned and probably ever will own. thanks sandman78 :smiley:

You are welcome, I will miss it sorely. Glad you like the mask. Take good care of it, that was my baby! :smiley:

will do man, it fits really snug on my head but i like that in a mask though…i also like the mesh covering on the eyes :wink:

Congrats on the score!!!

It actually fit me perfect, so if ya ever decide to get shed of it give me first dibs!

Great looking mask. Nice Score!

thanks guys, and yes sandman IF i ever do get rid of it you’ll get first dibs :slight_smile: