NEW SCORE! ...H20 SCREEN USED new pics update

Well the mail lady delivered this sweet mask about fifteen minutes ago. I had to snap a few pics. I’ll take some really nice ones later. My Christmas gift from me to me! :laughing: The Screenused!
Here are some pics of my screen used. I just finished styling the hair

sends you hate mail

sweet mask, obviously :wink:

and you have a mail lady? i want a lady to deliver my mail!

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: WOW RON!!! That’s awesome!!! :drinkers: :rock:

Great mask Ron!!
this is one beautifull peace of art!
my sincer compliments!
Take care
Frank :wink:

Wow brotherman. Just wow :open_mouth:

VERRRRRY nice score, Ron! Looks great!

ron…I…officially…hate…YOU! :laughing: Im really likin the look of this alot

Holy S*** Batman! :rock: :rock: :rock: …Thats a Bad Ass Mask.

insane… grats man! :slight_smile:

Thanks guys I will post some good costume pictures later today :smiley:

wow nice!!

Great score Ron, congrats!


Very Nice

Damn the hair is friggin nice!!! :rock: You know what this is?THIS IS NOTHING BUT


Thats amazing man…The hair is simply fantastic…AWESOME score Ron.I hope you have a great CHRISTmas…

you dont have to hate him…you can order one for you and harmony can be had by all :mrgreen:

Ron, That looks awesome man!
Excellent score

Pretty sweet huh Ron? :mrgreen:

Congrats on snaggin number 1. I really am surprised that Gary even has anymore of these available. For the price and the quality of what you get I thought they would be long gone by now.

Can’t wait to see some costume shots.

You’re like the king of H20’s Ron.