Well the mail lady delivered this sweet mask about fifteen minutes ago. I had to snap a few pics. I’ll take some really nice ones later. My Christmas gift from me to me! The Screenused!
Here are some pics of my screen used. I just finished styling the hair
sends you hate mail
sweet mask, obviously
and you have a mail lady? i want a lady to deliver my mail!
WOW RON!!! That’s awesome!!!
Great mask Ron!!
this is one beautifull peace of art!
my sincer compliments!
Take care
Wow brotherman. Just wow
VERRRRRY nice score, Ron! Looks great!
ron…I…officially…hate…YOU! Im really likin the look of this alot
Holy S*** Batman! …Thats a Bad Ass Mask.
insane… grats man!
Thanks guys I will post some good costume pictures later today
wow nice!!
Great score Ron, congrats!
Very Nice
Damn the hair is friggin nice!!! You know what this is?THIS IS NOTHING BUT
Thats amazing man…The hair is simply fantastic…AWESOME score Ron.I hope you have a great CHRISTmas…
you dont have to hate him…you can order one for you and harmony can be had by all
Ron, That looks awesome man!
Excellent score
Pretty sweet huh Ron?
Congrats on snaggin number 1. I really am surprised that Gary even has anymore of these available. For the price and the quality of what you get I thought they would be long gone by now.
Can’t wait to see some costume shots.
You’re like the king of H20’s Ron.