NEW SCORE Halloween 4 mask H88

Just got this one yesterday, I have two H88’s and I love 'em both. Thanks Robbie for the great mask Bro

sweet score,love it and h4. :smiley:

:laughing: You loved your first one so much you had to get another one. Nothing wrong with that Ron!

Great lookin Mask Ron. Congrats

Congrats Ron! :rock:

Sweet score, congrats Ron! :rock:

Here’s my other one

congrats on your new score Ron. nothing wrong with having two of the same mask. i had 3 H78’s but im keeping the 2 for sure.

Congrats on the awesome score Ron!!! :smiley:

Nothing wrong with doubling your pleasure brotherman. Nice score! :drinkers:


1 is good, 2 is best.

Nah…I’d like to own three of my favs :stuck_out_tongue:

Well one of mine was redone by Scott to give it a more screen used look and this one is un-altered.

Cool to have a take on each look Ron. I’m often guilty of having two of the same masks for that purpose myself!

In my opinion the H88 is still the best H4 replica but I would LOVE to get an extra one and try and do some tweaks such as the curved hairline, light brown (not black) eyebrows and some slightly different eye cuts.

the H88 is the most accurate h4 iMO, great score Ron, i especially like the copy redone by Scott, Z

Where’ can I find this h88 (halloween4 mask)!!? I want this one and the h5 mask! Looks sick!!

Nik sells the H88’s.