I just happened upon this big Forschner knife the other day at a local flea market and I just had to nab it up, it was a great price. This is an older one, and according to my buddy James this is the original RZH1 knife just like the one in the movie. It’s a big boy! 17 3/4" blade 19 1/2" overall, and in excellent condition. silver rivets just like the screenused.
ohh yaaa…originally they gave him a regular sized one which clearly looked tiny, as the 17’’ doesnt even look that big in tylers hands…but trust me it is.
Sweet. I use mine the chop up dinner every night of the week. Its sharp as hell. My buddy who is a personal chef laughed when he picked it up saying it was huge. Nice addition Ron.
Wait, so I have the wrong thing?! I have owned a Forschner Victorinox 12" for a while now and been referring to it as the same knife as used in H9, and nobody’s corrected me!