New score! Well first score actually

It’s not the H78 I had my hopes up for, but thanks to viper I landed this HSS/JC conversion. Pics aren’t the best, but looks really great…

love it!!awesome first score bro! :smiley:

Great score… Which HSS mask is that? I know it but I don’t know it at the moment… LOL

it’s the 08 kirk converted to myers by JC…

HOLY SNIKEES :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
THAT right there is a fantastic First score!
Congrats man! That’s KILLER!!! :rock:

Here are two other shots…thanks for the compliments guys…(yea that’s a roll of paper towels I have it on…geez im so ghetto)

GREAT SCORE MAN! :smiley: :rock:
Take Care

Killer first score man…Congrats !!! :smiley:

Congrats 1st is always the best!

Awesome mask :smiley:

Now that is what I call some serious SCORAGE! I really like those Shape 08’ conversions! Solid mask bro!

Looks great! I’m glad you like him!


thanks again guys for the comments! i couldnt be happier with my first score. and the best part is it didn’t cost me much…

Congrats man! :astonished:
I was gonna snatch that but I didn’t have paypal :mrgreen:
For a first score that’s too awesome. I already have one but loved the way JC did that up.
That was originally owned by member Matt/aka number2. You should see the one he did up himself, it’s phenominal :open_mouth:

well congrats on your 1st score bud! sorry to hear you couldnt land an H78 yet but perhaps on your 2nd score :drinkers:

Sweet first score!!! That’s a great mask, with a little JC love. Great start to your collection.

awesome first score man, love it, sorry you couldn’t get the other one you wanted :wink:

Sweet first score. nice mask.

HSS/JC…now that’s a really good start into the hobby, congrats to your first score! :drinkers:

Cool score man, congrats! :rock: