hi i just got this awesome score from myshka200. i think it is a recast of a maniac which has been repainted and rehaired by ellis! i think it looks awesome and since i cannot afford an actual maniac it is just right for me. now i def would not buy one of those bad ones off ebay but this looks awesome due to the rehair/ repaint. anyway, here it is:
He bought it from another member who got ripped by the ebay scammer.When someone gets ripped they have a right to sell the mask and he has a right to buy it.Nice score man.
Recasts are definitely a touchy subject… especially when the work was stolen from a highly coveted maskmaker like Jusitn.
But it’s hard to fault the buyers or guys that were scammed in the process. Congrats on the score man! In the future try to save up for the real deal… Justin’s work is phenomenal!
thanks for the kind words. i don’t know if this is a recast but when i asked myshka200 he said he doesn’t know anything about it, he got it from ebay, so i guessed it was, but i am not sure. and if this has been rehaired/repainted, then it is the real deal, i think. ellis, the member here did the work on it, and i personally think he has done a bang up job and like i said, i cannot afford a real maniac. i am 16, i don’t get paid a great amount! thanks for the kind words anyway!
ok bud im going to give you some sound advice and if you’ll listen to me and take it to heart, in another year or two you’ll be glad you did. first off congrats on getting a new score, for the price and your age i understand why you went that route.
but now keep in mind, masks are going very cheap right now. i seen a nightowl Maniac going for $190 just afew weeks ago. you only needed another 110 to be there. your coming along real good on your collection but my advise to you would be hold on to every dollar you can and go a couple months without buying a new mask, by april or may you would probably have enough to buy whatever mask you truely wanted.
im saying dont just save up $75 and be like well i’ll buy whatever mask i can get for $75. if you continue this trend you’ll end up with a rather big collection and hardly have any good masks to show for it.
save up at least $200-250 then go shopping for another mask. if you do that i will guarentee that your next score will be the best one you have ever got and your view of whats “a good mask” will change forever.
take this to heart mylongy, i didnt buy into it awhile back when you said mass produced masks are your favorite, i know there just easy to afford and obtain and when you reach $60 its burning a whole in your pocket. hold onto that cash, keep saving for afew months and get you some quality peices.
i like you, your a good member here and i would love to see your collection really start to bloom. hold on to that cash buddy
It is most definitely a recast. We have seen plenty of them and they all look very similar - tell tale signs are the eyes and nose. If it has been rehaired/repainted that doesn’t make it the REAL DEAL. It doesn’t change the fact that the mask was recasted and recreated without the original artists consent. It’s your mask to enjoy though - but again, I highly encourage you to purchase an original whenever you can save up the money. You will be amazed at the difference! Here is my old prototype.
thanks for the advice and i 75% aggree. but it wasn’t really like that. i saw the mask and liked it, and remember it is not mass produced quality as ellis redid it. i wasn’t bothered about what it was, i liked the look of it and i can tell ellis put alot into it! i didn’t get it because it was cheap. also i don’t really agree that good masks are over $200, as i just got an mmfx studios one for $100, and they are awesome and also i got a ul75 h4 for $100. but everything else i agree with and to be quite honest, i never imagined that you could get a maniac for $200, i thought they were like $400. i just want to say though that i have moved on from mass produced. also i want to state that i don’t care about price (except really expensive), if i like the mask, i buy it, i don’t just buy a mask because it is cheap. also i want to say i won’t go over $200 for a mask, afterall everyone has a limit, that is mine. btw, i am in nooooooo way saying this with an attitude or anything as it may sound, i just wanted to let people know what interests me and what i look for in a mask. no one can say this isn’t a good mask though because it looks the buisness and i loooooove it! btw embodied host, thanks alot brotha i really appriciate what you said but just take note of what i said too, i really am not a tight person who likes to get bargains as you may know because in the past 3 weeks i have spent over $300 on masks!! so thanks. and warlock, when you say the difference, i don’t get it, of course this is different, it has a different paint job and rehair, it is not like it is mass produced, it is excellent quality, do you not like ellis’ work and what he did? i’m just curious, lol thanks man
It’s not just different hair and paint. The mask was recreated by recasting an original Maniac so the pull is also less detailed and distorted. It technically isn’t a Maniac anymore. Ellis did fine on the paintjob. I’m not trying to be mean or rude, just stating the facts. Your new here and have a lot to learn my friend. But all that matters is that you’re happy w/ it!