Hey guys,
SPAZ hooked me up!!! These 3 guys are NAG/MM78, HSS/Devious and CGP/Spaz Nemi. Spaz really did a number on this Nemi. It SCREAMS H2 all the way. I LOVE all 3 of these guys and they look great in my line up. My camera REALLY sucks the big one but I did the best that I could.
I don’t know what kind of hair that is. It feels and looks like Human hair though. I"ve never had a mask with hair like it…ever. Spaz might know. It’s on the MM78.
Thanks man…if it was up to me, I’d move into an empty wherehouse and fill that damn thing
This has all worked out pretty good for me so far though. A lot of these are trades, which helps the funds situation.