new scores new seth pose pics bottom of page 2 lol

hey guys heres a few new old score that i have gotten recently that i just now got around to take pics of, these are taken with my iphone but i did take some with my canon t1i that takes for ever to load but i will upload them if you guys want :smiley: been awhile since ive posted for some reason my password only works every once in awhile and when it does when i go to post it kicks me off again so ill try to reply if its lets me but if not thanks in advance
2 new scores from mike one done up h2 style and the other a tramer both of these masks ive had since around halloween, mike did an awesome job on both
and nightowl manic that i got from justin, again justin did an awesome job
thanks for looking

and these are all the masks that mike ahg has done up for me


nice scores bro, great shots, cya, Z

Those are awesome man.That tramer is off the hook manā€¦

Damn fine scores man! :sunglasses:

Those are sweet Bro. :finga:

Nice to see ya back brotha Seth :slight_smile:
That Tramer looks bad-ass :open_mouth: :rock:
Congrats on your awesome trio!!
Come to think of it, you must have the most Tramers on record :mrgreen:
Love the BR shirt and be sure to leave a ā€œSeth poseā€ along the way man :wink:

Sweet score man!


:open_mouth: FRAAAAK those are badass! Um - what is that Tramer?! :open_mouth: GREAT collection, bro - jawdropping!

AHG/NAG MadMan Tramer :mrgreen:

A gorgeous bunch of masks, great to see you back Seth.
here is my ā€œSeth poseā€ tribute pic :wink: :laughing:

fantastic pics man and awesome masks you got there! :rock:

Killer masks, I love AHGā€™S conversions, as well as james, I also like justinā€™s work and nagā€¦ Dean

thanks for the comments everybody :smiley:

thanks kaizu , yeah br great movie !!! posting the rest of my tramers :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: thanks flow :smiley:

heres all my tramer masks i think :laughing:

mcs kirk converted into tramer proto
nag jitb ahg madman kirk converted by mike
nightowl psycho tramer

hss shape 08 and hss devious tramer

Sweet stuff Seth. Glad to have you back brother. Nice tat bro. :rock: :drinkers:

Such a fine Tramer collection you donā€™t see every day.
thx for adding these.

You are the Tramer king Brotha Seth :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Thanks for sharing brotha :rock: :rock:

Canā€™t let Flo-bro have all the fun :laughing:

You crack me up T., so cool :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And that will be the only ever Roy pic Iā€™ll ever do :laughing:
Just for Seth-man :mrgreen: