NEW SCORES! Post Them Here.

New Score Thread! Any New scores You have Please Feel Free to Post them Here. :smiley:
Here’s mine, NMM78 test Mold mask.

Damn dude! Nice score! :rock:

Thanks Chad, Been a long Time, Hope All is Good my Friend! :drinkers: Bob

Boob !!! That’s a mighty fine score, and great to see you posting again. We all miss ya, man. :drinkers:

Thanks Hugo,Yeah been just a Lurker for a while :laughing: Great to hear from You as Well! Thanks! :rock:

Old school! Those early copies were something special.

Indeed they are! Nightowl killed it!!Thanks Justin :drinkers: Bob

Night owl Maniac, 2016 JC

Just picked up this Freddy Loper old mold 75k to add to the collection.

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Holy shit! about a score!!!..nice one!

Absolutely stunning man. Has all the details of the 4-Stamp and truly brings back old pre-2005 memories. I haven’t had any scores since my 2006 NightOwl Butcher so this is still my newest piece. Currently talking to somebody with a #'d Evilution I’m debating purchasing he just wants an arm and a leg

Thought itd be good to collect them in one thread here. Add them below, Ill add them to this post.

Nice mask bud & good to see you posting again! :rock: Here are my latest two scores…
NAG/JC 75K Castle & TOTS Battle Damaged H18

Thanks, and as Usual, Stunning Masks and Pics my Friend!!! :rock: Bob

Here’s my newly painted H40

My gen 2 fantastic faces, I still need to fix the small misshapen piece but I’ll get to it I swear! :rock:

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It’s not indie, but I bought it off a guy on the FB group. Likely taking it in for a rehaul in the coming weeks, this hair is absolute trash.