Night costume pics Mickey 78 vs Mickey07

My best friend and I are going to be Kennys stalkers at the Myers house NC this year for his halloween bash. So me and him got together to take a few pics. He’ll be sporting my fear and i’ll be sporting the kissfan.
Check em out. :drinkers:



beautiful fear shot

He has a very dick warlock build

planning out the next kill :laughing:

if freddy and jason were to dress up as michael

typical candid myspace pic :axe:

love the pics i always thought that would be a great fan film idea to have
the classic myers face off againts a imposter that dressed like RZ myers.

That’s great that you guys will be working the Halloween bash! :rock:
The shots are awesome!! This one is fantastic and my favorite:


past vs. present, i like these :smiley:

marcus :mrgreen:

fun post, nice shots.

Cool pics. I like that fear!

I dig that one man! F***in’ love it!

Thank you all for the comments.

I agree with you Matt. We took a bunch of pics then went back and sorted out some good ones and i had no idea we managed to pull off a natural lit pic that well.

Im particually fond of the first one. It just screams accuracy and brings memories to the shape slowly appearing in the shadows behind laurie.

Nice pics! But I have to say that a fight between 1978 Myers and 2007 Myers, the 1978 Myers would win. I love the 78 Myers to death. RZ’s Myers is too much like Jason and I don’t like that RZ is taking traits from a killer that got his traits from Myers. Wierd right :question: :question: :question: :question: