Awesome masks, great lighting.

Thanks guys I appreciate the comments…Mike really killed this one. :axe:

AHG is a member here ‘AllHollowsGhost’ his name is Mike and he is the man responsible for turning out the masterpeice you see in this thread.
if you want a mask that looks as close to the 1978 Hero as you can get, order a kirk blank from NAG and have it sent to Mike AHG for the conversion and then you will have something that looks like the pics above :open_mouth:

big congrats Frank! that thing is awesome! :drinkers:

nothing like a nightmare from Nik!!!

host, H1…thanks guys

A few years ago I never thought I’d see the Nightmare get so much praise.

very cool mask

I agree with Dren here. Ive always liked the Nightmare sculpt.

Matt, Jon, Ben…thanks fellas.

worn shots…came out a little dark but thought I would share…

Awesom man loving the 5th pic down got a great Halloween 2 look to it . Congratz on the great score man :drinkers: :axe:

That is bad ass. WOW I love the look.! :rock:

Thanks Clown and Ron. I can’t believe how many looks this mask can pull off…

Great looking pics & mask, Frank. Those worn shots are excellent!

Your pics are always candy for the eyes.



Another beautiful mask from Mike & Nik.

Dude…that pic with Myers behind the Nightmare, is so CREEPY!! Nice pics!!

Donnie, J, Kaizu, shark, killer…Thanks guys for the comments…later


This mask in the mail to me yet? :mrgreen: