Great pics Paul I always look forward to you hedge shots man!
Jay Muzz
Wow man those are very nice shots…I like em all bro especially the last few…Thats a sick mask bud and thanks for sharing…Later guys
Ive said this before and Ill say it again, the four stamp Nightmare Man is my #1 mask of all time. Im not sure if you have the 4 stamp, it doesnt matter…You have such a beautiful copy bro and these pics show why…amazing shots. later
Those pictures are excellent!
Im taking my second trip to South Pas next week, I can’t wait.
_Hi Paul this exceptional photography. You should think about going into Rat extermination…j/k bro.
The first quoted pic…Amazing. I really mean this. This is one of the best pics Ive seen.
The second pic. The mask looks very much like the Hero_
Those are some SICK, SICK, SICK shots my good friend! <------------------ I’m dead serious about the shock face!!!
I knew I should have just hung onto that mask when I finished it
I agree that the 2nd pic in this quote-reply is one of my favorites - but the first one I quoted in here…THAT is some serious badassness there
nice shot brotha, those pics came out super crisp!!!
Good stuff. That mask is a keeper.
The reason I personally do not find this pic as appealing is the hand is in the main focus. I would have loved to see the Knife in focus (foreground) and everything else in the back ground out of focus or the other way. My eye goes to the hand right away. The mask is awesome.
Gorgeous shots man!
Awsome pic’s man I like the one with the knife shot reflecting your mask…Dean
Thanks scarfacedsm, its not a 4 stamp but i like it all the same.
Thanks alot guys! I very much appreciate all of the comments. Pretty funny Matt, hi to you too.
Thanks James, im glad you decided not to keep it…SW Airlines now lol. Thanks Curtis,Swamp and to the rest of you guys. The comments are nice to read.
One thing is for sure. I cant stop looking at that 6th pic
You live close by?
Even tho that last shot wasn’t planned it’s still my favourite shot.
There’s ALOT of detail seen in that mask there.
Great Stuff Paul!
Awesome, awesome shots, Paul. I really dig the b&w pics.
While there’s always pic threads popping up on here, these particular shots simply stand out in my eyes. Wow. Awesome mask, and seriously awesome pics.
Those are some far-out pics, Farentine (I’m trying to kick around some slang from '78, lol)! You are lucky to live in Haddonfield, and even luckier to have such sweet masks to play with at everyone’s favorite shrubbery!