can it not be stopped

like I said in my last post
I really think we need a post count of 100+
this “triefy” guy posted 50 posted almost once every sec with one liners
just so he can post in the class section on his 51st
that just wrong

just just make it so you have to be approved by a mod to join
I know its kinda ALOT of work but Hell I’ll do it I’m on here enough

Yeah and what they don’t realize is that if they’re no recognized then they probably won’t be able to sell their item on here anyhow. Most members won’t jump up and buy something from someone who is brand new, and used this tactic to get their item posted.

I know I wouldnt
unless it was shipped first and I’m holding it in my hand

Now I know I’m new as well, and I too still need to earn some “Street Cred”, But Damn!, when you click on “General Discussion” all you see is this guys name all the way down the line.

“Things that make you go…Hmmm”?

Only joking as we were all noobs at one point but this seems to be a recurring theme… bumping old threads to get a higher post count.

I agree… Abusing this rule is not cool, and it’s very annoying.

Yeah,man…AMEN!!!This has boiled my blood repeatedly for a while now.I had a guy comment on two of my posts a while ago and telly me flat-out he was just commenting to get his post count up and that he was looking to just post “a bunch of stuff”.He had started three threads prior to this about some ridiculous,basic topic that had been answered a hundred times over on this site already.I told him not to continue to do that,since it was unfair to other members.Another thing is the PM’s about buying a mask you have for sale and they tell you they’d like you to hold it for $10 a month payments on a $500 mask.I understand some members are very young and that is an awesome thing.It’s always good to see Myers fans,regardless of age.However,when someone that is 13 sends you repeated PM’s about nonsense and asks you about buying an expensive mask you own and doesn’t take no for an answer,it can be equally annoying.You ask them if the have a Paypal account and they don’t even understand the question.It can be a test of your patience.

I agree with everyone here but everyone is new at some point.This 50 post use to not be a rule.I was a member here for nearly 8 months I think.I had sold a couple of masks and bought an assload.Then the 50 posts was put into effect.After being a member for 8 months I was not allowed to sale which did not bother me because I dont use the classifieds to often.I think everyone should use common sense.I just over look old post.Ive never have a problem with anyone.I have more to worry about than some newby wanting to sell a mask.If Im correct you can block someone from pming you also…

i been on here like 4 months and im still new to this cool site. like no other! sure when i started out i put some 1 liners, but not cause i had stuff 2 sell but cause i mean wat i was saying. the work that u guys put into your masks/costumes is just sweet as hell! love it! then heres the other part of the story, why is everybody a smart ass on here?? the other is, pep act like there afraid 2 lend a helping hand when somebody has a question on here, such as the site/masks/props whateva u know??

With all do respect Bro, I’ve never read anything from any member that was being a smartass, to give you an example, I came on here a little over a month ago with a mask that I was unsure of who the maker was, so I asked…Come to find out it was a recast, which people aren’t too fond of here for very good reasons, but no one gave me a hard time about it or anything, everyone was really cool in explaining to me that I bought a rip-off…Lol, And as far as people being afraid to lend a helping hand…I posted a thread just a week ago asking about what type of paint to use, and everyone was more than helpful. Now I’m not saying you haven’t read anything bad, I’m just giving you my own expierences.


Ive been coming to this site for a long time but just signed up about a month ago. I don’t use the classifieds unless I’m looking to buy. If its getting that bad maybe if you have something to put in the classifieds then have it where it has to be approved by an admin before hand.


Its simple guys.You usually start out purchasing masks.Everyone gets to know you.Then after a while you can sell.If someone that joined 2 days ago sells a mask Im not buying it .If I cant pay with paypal Im not buying…Just my two cents though.

I’m not saying that ALL the new ppl are like this
just couldnt think of a word to use(51 counters)lol
I’ve been a member here since early 04
just started a new account cuz I was gone for a while and didnt remember my password :blush:
but it wasnt like this back in the day
its like someone pushed the retard button

its just the young ppl that do this just to get a sale that bugs me(and really not even shure that it will ever be shipped)
or the ones that post a topic in the class and say (I dont have any pics)
and the ppl that pm you and try to offer $50 for something your trying to sale for $200
well first they will pm you like 5-10 times asking all kinds of questions about it
and then “I’ll give ya $50 for it”

Mods do have to approve all new members. We check for duplicate accounts, and check their IP address.

If their first few posts are acceptable, they are then allowed to use the board fully.

If you notice someone spamming to boost their post count, please report the posts. That’s what the button is there for.

Also, if someone is making silly offers on your items, or you suspect anyone of foul play, just PM a mod and we’ll look into it.

I here ya Spaz…
Just flipped open the pc and found another guy posting 50 unecessary posts…It’s indeed very irritating.
I made a post on this awhile back, bumped it and now it’s gone again… :imp:


Yeah it does get the blood boiling at times…Its very clear when a member is trying to post pointless remarks just to bump their post count…Like there was a guy on here a bout a month or so ago who posted the same exact line “IDK” for like 4 pages…Thats absurd and quite frankly just all around stupid…Now when a mamber is honest about the post I dont really have a problem with it because Im the same way…Grant it ive been here a while but a few times ive had people give me crap about how many post I have…I dont care because im very active here and I like to reply to as many people as I can…Not getting the reply’s that some post deserve can be frustrating as well…So I will try to get to as many people as I can so they dont feel left out…I wont ignore someone just because they are new here…If they have a good mask and want some kudo’s for it I will give it…If they have a valid question I will do my best to help…But people who make pointless post that utterly make no sense or do it just bump post count send a bad message to the board right from the start…They are burning their own bridge…Maybe the count should be 100…I wouldnt be against it…

Spaz alot of the things you brought up I have aproblem with as well…No pics in the classifieds when selling something is annoying and those who offer you hundreds less than your asking price is flat out disrespect…You spend 3-400 on something…Then you already post the item for 50-100 dollars less than what you paid for it and people dont see that…They still want to get ignorant and say something like “I’ll give you 50 bucks for it” when you spent 3-400…Are you crazy or just flat out dumb…Do you really think someone will go for that…Alot of the times I think they do it on purpose knowing you wouldnt go for that…I think they do it because they are pissed at the price or new and dont have a cluse on the mask they asking about…I have to ignore those people because it makes me want to go off…

If the post count was raised to 100 wouldnt people just make 100 pointless posts rather than 50???