Normal people seeing your collection reactions ?

Had some new flooring fitted in the living room the other day and the 2 guys doing it caught sight of my RZ and H40 masks and said something along the lines of “JESUS CHRIST, those are terrifying!”

We’ve recently moved into a new house so over the last few months ive had a few different tradesmen comment how scary looking they are lol, none have ever recognised what there from which surprises me.

Have you had the same happen to you ? Any funny reactions ? Any people realise what they were ?

I usually get the “You spend money on THAT? I can get that at the store every October!”

Cheeky bastards lol

I have a few lifesize stuff with my masks and busts and I have had a few people get freaked out but one time 2 guys came in to replace my stove and one of them got a glance of my myers statue and was like “Hey man that’s awesome I love the Halloween movies.” We then spent about 30min talking about the masks, films, and were he can get some. But most of the time its my wifes family who come over and say “what the hell is that evil shit!”

Ah thats wicked !!! Yeah my wifes mum also had a similar reaction “i dont know why you would want to have them in your house”

Its her id rather not have in the house tbh :laughing:

I just don’t show my collection to normal people. Not anymore anyway. lol

I hate when someone says that shit with a PASSION. It’s like okay buddy go get a party city mask and let’s see how the two compare.

Usually when people come into my den and see all the crazy things on display and in my cabinets. They stare for a minute but don’t know what the hell they’re even looking at. I remember when some douche bag came into my den one day and was looking at my Myers masks and said “Jason is cool”. :confused: I looked at him while smiling of course and said "Are you f@#king kidding me? Jason? :unamused: Most people have no idea what my masks are about or how much they’re worth. And when I tell them, they sh!t themselves. People just don’t get it.

Yes and white mask is Jason lol. People are dumb sometimes

I just hate that they assume it’s Jason, like if I spent $200 on a mask the least you can do is ask who it is instead of taking a guess.

Oh and the people who don’t understand it REALLY want you to know that they don’t understand it. They keep asking questions in this passive aggressive tone almost like they’re talking down to you and like you’re stupid. Like can ya’ll just say “Oh cool” and leave it at that?

People tell me all the time “I wish I had a passion that strong” I take it as a compliment I guess

Thats what i say to the Mrs when she says anything about them :laughing:

Yeah there always surprised when i say how much they can go for and how long you have to wait for them lol.

The mad thing is most people would think it was cool if it was harry potter wands ffs :laughing: :unamused:

What I don’t understand is…how is walking into someone’s den with a bunch of horror/movie memorabilia any different than walking into someone’s den with a bunch of deer heads on the wall, or a bunch of fish they have caught, or the moose they shot out west? Somehow parading around your dead animals is normal and movie memorabilia is not…oh well :confused:

My collection isn’t huge, but I have a few things. Not many people have seen my stuff either. My 2 year old nephew saw my H40 mask for the first time and he loved it at first, but then it started to scare him. Now whenever he sees a picture of Myers, he says my name, like I’m him. I’m honored, I guess :laughing:

I did have this one time where a guy and his maybe 12 year old son came to fix our air conditioner (I guess it was bring your kid to work day) the air conditioner is in the closet across from my room, and I caught his son staring into my room from the hallway. I know exactly what he was looking at too from the look on his face and where his eyes were pointed. He was checking out my Hush mask and 2 of my custom painted hockey masks. Never said anything, but he looked intrigued/freaked out at the same time.

Exactly! Or their high end sports collection. :laughing: To each his own I guess

It’s so weird. Don’t get me wrong…I don’t have an issue with people displaying deer heads and mounted fish…it’s just interesting the way people view the two.

The only one I have no defense for at this point is, “so, you needed FIVE Freddy gloves, huh?”

Everything else I’ve heard/dealt with and easily justified. :laughing:

HAHAH the same!!! Only my kids have permission to see my collection. I just can’t stand when people stare and asks questions. Maybe because I’m a very private person.