off season price drops?

Do they run sales on H78 or Psycho on the off season? I really want one but can’t justify paying those prices.

that would be nice but they are mostly the same price all year long!!! otherwise nobody would buy until they were on sale!

Yeah, it’ not like buying a snow blower at sears in July :wink:

Oh…I figured since there are much less mask sales on the off season thay would …Oh well.

You won’t get any sales, but you should definitely buy soon if you’re going to buy at all. I’ve been around here for a while, and I’ve never seen masks going as cheap as they are now. Once the economy rebounds people will no doubt start paying insane prices again. It’s a buyer’s market right now. You should have seen what some of the masks were going for before all this started, it was absolutely nuts!

thats true. people are buying anything collectible right now and hoarding it till the economy gets better.

The economy isn’t getting any better anytime soon which is sad.

The H78 is the way to go. Get a H78 retool from Nik. A nice cheaper mask to get if you can is a Haddonfield Slasher. The Boogeyman masks were also awesome but I don’t think is in business anymore.

In our community here, the halloween season is never over, we just can’t go in public till oct. 31st :laughing:

:open_mouth: :laughing: Food for thought me thinks

I wonder if this post had anything to do with this: Did I say you never see sales? :laughing:

Occasionally Justin from NightOwl will offer a lower price on his Myers Masks, but they are few and far between. You have to check his forum for those kinds of threads.

You’re getting the wrong idea from the HSS sale thread. That’s not commonplace with masks, there are no “sales” with masks. What Sam is doing is rare (and very generous I might add) so don’t expect it often. And if you can’t afford the masks then I guess this isn’t your hobby. I too thought the prices were outrageous 3 years ago when I started collecting but if you want the mask you’ll deal with it.

Pretty much sums that up…100% its just how it is…To tell you the truth I think any mask 350 or below is reasonable…Beyond that and it gets a little much…But if you want them you deal with it…

Off season price drops…that’s a good one. You best bet on a good deal is watch the classifieds