
Hey brothers,

Wondering if any of you have had masks for over a decade that are still in your possession. This hobby has been up and down for me and I let a lot of Gold go over the years but I have had this GP killer for 11+ years. Has definitely seen better days but I hold onto it for the nostalgia

That thing is wicked looking man! :rock: Nice mask. I’d also like to see some pictures of some members on here with some decade + masks. I’m still newer collector and this is the first time I seen a gp killer did they all come with the blood? It is a unique Myers mask with that blood and very mean looking I like it a lot.

I’m collecting since 2003 & never sold a mask. They are all like new. I’m storing them in a dark room, kept away from sunlight.

I still have my mint 75 kirk #3 by NAG converted by AHG and re-haired by JC
best of ALL worlds lol
its from 09 I believe