people with usernames "Michael Myers"

I totally understand why you would use the name michael myers…but so many members with the name now make it really hard to remember each person :frowning:
I know they are all different in one way or another but man I am dizzy trying to keep up :laughing:

lol this is why I sign my name or the letter E after my posts.
this way people will eventually pick up on my name and kinda just use my username as a secondary.

That’s why I always sign Nick :smiley:

i’m sure i am the only mtlongy so there is no need for me signing my name :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure I’m the only one with a Kelly Clarkson Avatar… :open_mouth:

Yeah, and props to that! Kelly’s hot.

But yeah, it’s definitely hard to tell who’s who sometimes…and how many “Boogeymen” do we have, aside from Mr. Donnie? :laughing:

I fear that if I change my Avatar to a picture of a girl people will think I’m a chick :laughing:

So MJ is staying :smiley:

yeah, mj has got to stay bro, i love him!!! :smiley:

Yeah I hate that, it is called having no originality. :laughing:

you should really put the Amy Lee one back on :slight_smile:

You took the thought right outta my head, sir :laughing:

I believe there is a member on here known as “The Shape” or something, and mine is “the-shape” which I can see which confuses people.
But if someone has a similer user name, I recongize them by their signatures or avatars. :laughing:

Yeah, I had someone the other day PM me about my avatar and which one I was. i haven’t heard back after I said the one on the left was my fiance’.

Yeah the lesson here is, if you want to be remembered choose a name that is unique and not one that will blend in with thousands of others.