Photos in the gallery

Why can’t you copy photos in the gallery? I’ve tried to save pictures in my pictures on my computer, but the option won’t even pop up. I would like to copy some photos to have as references.

I hear ya…i have wanted to use some pics off there for weathering and painting purposes, but can save and print out. I think maybe it keeps from people stealing the photos and using them for promotion, thats my thought anyway

Probably right. At least if you’re wanting to use them as a reference for somebody as to what you want your mask to look like, you can always copy the link and send it. ALOT of great mask in the gallery…it’s amazing how the same mask can look a thousand different ways. :slight_smile:

To prevent other sites from stealing the photos and putting them on their own websites. There have been some sites trying to knock-off the gallery and make their own gallery based on the photos from OUR community, and so I went through some precautions to prevent that. Sadly, it hasn’t prevented some from finding ways around it and doing it anyway.


Good!! Smart move!!

You could always hit Print screen then open up paint and paste it…Would be time consuming if you were trying to rob the gallery so i hope this tip is ok?