Picked up this rzfx “the disciple”prototype from eBay

I just picked this up on eBay I haven’t received it yet but here are some pics from the listing, I really like this sculpt but I don’t know much about it, maybe someone here can shed some light. Thanks. :smiley:

Freakin beautiful score dude !
Real menacing H6 look

Thanks a lot man! I really do like the look of this one, it changes a lot in different lighting.

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Definitely post shots when you receive it man. It’s like H6 meets H20 and looks awesome

Hey thanks a lot man! here are some that I took in the detolf.

Big fan of this sculpt man. I love the unique masks that are still blatantly Myers and this is one of those for me. I see H4, H6 and RZ all in this one. Really nice copy man

Yeah man me too that’s what i try to collect mostly. I love an artists interpretation on how they view the shape and the fact that you still know it’s myers. This mask changes so much in different lighting it’s crazy. I agree with you tho I do see h4 h6 and RZ. Here’s a few shots of my updated detolfs.

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