Let’s see some cool stuff, Ladies & Gentlemen…
Awesome lighting Werner
Superb details Nick
Thanks man… Damn… That’s a fine P3…
Thanks brotha!!
Heres my few additions to todays pics…
Flaunt that Stab J!
UNEARTHED H2!!! Still need to dirty up and wet the hair!
Nice pics guys.
Love it Kaizu!!!
You guys all have such killer stuff, posting my stuff is almost stupid…but here is some of it
Awsome pic’s so far everyone, great PT3 Kaziu, and Macleod, Awsome DB2!!! Dean
Myers N San Deigo, you have killer stuff man never fell stupid, you have more in your collection than I do, Last night I recently bought me a CGP WarlocK, and this will be my fourth myers mask, I also ordered a mask from my good friend Zephro from his new CO. Trick OrTreat Studios and cain’t wait to get it in August so my collection is slowley growing.I was supposed to visit my friend in San Deigo for my b-day which was on thursday, but plans fell through, but will plan on visiting him hopefully soon, and I still wanna stop by your place to check your collection out, so again never feel stupid about posting pic’s of your collection my friend… Dean
Thanks Dean,
I can’t wait to see your Warlock ! Trick or Treat Studios eh…hmmmmm, I"ll have to check that out.
Yeah, depending on where in San Diego your friend lives, it’s all pretty near by. Lemme know when your gonna be here!
Thanks again,
The H20 Winston Hero Came Home!
Huge Congrats Again Darren! This is beyond Amazing!
Thanks Hugo and Dean
It’s about time you wear that gem Hugo
Lookin foward in seein your new mask Dean, you desreve it brotha!
Like Dean said, never feel bad about what you own.
You also have other killer stuff besides your Myers collection
I was wondering if that were a new pic
If so, big congrats!
He came home